Comedy Lessons

Two months ago, I was invited by a friend to attend a Comedy Novices FREE Taster Workshop. I was surprised to see around 25 people in the taser course. The course, run by comedian Bentley Browning, who started Comedy Novices is clearly a life transforming course. Bentley goes on say, how after completing a comedy course himself a few years ago, many doors of opportunity opened for him and he has consequently featured on "The One Show" and many other high end engagements. Bentley says how he learned some basic techniques which he passes on in his full course, which is great value at £149!
Following the Taster Workshop, I decided to sign up for the 6 week course, which most people on the taster session also completed. I knew we were entering in on a journey together and it didn't take long before we started having banter on our group wattsapp!!
People on the workshop and later the course came for different reasons, some as something they had always wanted to try and others just to improve their confidence, you can see how the skills are useful for a variety of practical situations in life and not just for the aspiring comedian!
From the start, Bentley showed his ability to communicate clearly as we worked through things that make people laugh through a number of; writing techniques, performance, confidence practicalities along with making silly noises!
Building up slowly, in a group setting and becoming more confident by practicing techniques in smaller groups, being coached in our individual strengths, Bentley made even the less confident people in the group feel comfortable.
Some of the classes were very content rich and it was a pleasure doing the small homework's set, playing around with incongruencies and making silly voices! The balance of theoretical techniques and practice made each evening class go by so quickly! . It was amazing to see everyone who signed up to the course (mixed abilities) improve their confidence and routine considerably.
In sessions we covered areas such as how to effectively use personal life experiences to create stories that people find funny. Finding individual style and speaking your "inner voice" are found to be powerful ways of engaging your audience.
The evening finished with a five minute Showcase performance gig at a comedy evening, where performers are encouraged to invite their friends.

The Showcase for me was great to do, although I wish now I had put more time into practicing it aside the evening before. I went slightly over my allotted time, but it was great to experience and engage with an audience in a very direct manor while expressing elements of life in an artistic and expressive way!
Although with any performance, your adrenaline can run high, there was something very special about the final performance at the Showcase. For many it was either the start or the end of a journey, but either way it was an achievement and one never to forget.
I look forward to continuing to practice performing with some of the people I met with and journeyed on the course at some of the upcoming Practice Labs.

If you have always wanted to try comedy or are curious as to what it may involve and see if you have what it takes, book onto one of the Taster Workshops which I completed to start me on my journey!